End User Agreement (relating to the use of fonts in the T-shirt design software)

Read this license agreement carefully before clicking the "Accept" button or using the software. You may use this Product only if you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, you must not use the Product. The following are the terms and conditions to which you agree upon when opening the package:

1. You acknowledge that this server-based Product contains, as a component, font software which generates font designs ("Font Software").

2. You agree that as used herein, the term "Internal Use" shall mean use of the Product only in the course of your customary and ordinary internal business or personal use. "Customary and ordinary internal business use" shall mean use by you, your employees, or your authorized agents for your customary and ordinary internal business. "Customary and ordinary personal use" shall mean use by you or a member of your household for internal personal purposes. "Internal Use" shall occur when an individual permitted by this Paragraph 2 is able to give commands (whether by keyboard or otherwise) from a remote location that are followed by the Font Software which is a component of the Product. Internal Use shall not include any use of the Product (i) in the case of "customary and ordinary internal business use," by persons that are neither your authorized employees nor authorized agents, or (ii) in the case of "customary and ordinary personal use," by persons that are not members of your household. All such employees, agents, and household members shall be notified by you as to the terms and conditions of this End User Agreement and shall agree to be bound by it.

3. You are hereby granted the non-exclusive, non-assignable, and non-transferable right to use this server-based Product and its components only for your "Internal Use" and for no other purposes, including but not limited to, further resale, sublicensing, or distribution. All rights not expressly granted in this license are reserved by the entity granting you this license.

4. You may not alter Font Software which is a component of the Product for the purpose of adding any functionality which such Font Software did not have when presented to you as part of the Product. You may not extract the Font Software from the Product or from server. You may not copy the Font Software from the Product or from the server.

5. Internal Use shall not include any distribution whatsoever of the Product or any component thereof, provided however, that you may electronically distribute a document created by you in the scope of Internal Use which contain Font Software in a static graphic image or in a format that permits the embedding of Font Software solely for the viewing and printing (and not the editing, altering, enhancing, or modifying) of such document. You may not embed Font Software into a document, which is distributed as a commercial product in exchange for a fee or other consideration (For example, End Users shall not embed Font Software into an electronic book that is offered to the public for a fee).

6. This license does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the Product or its components to you except as specifically and expressly set forth herein. You are on notice that the entity granting you this license claims protection of this software product under copyright laws. Components of the Product may have been developed by an independent third party software supplier, which holds copyright or other proprietary rights to its software product. You may be held responsible by this supplier for any infringement of such rights by you.

7. The entity granting you this license reserves the right to terminate this license upon breach. In the event of termination, you will be required to immediately cease all use of the Product and Licensed Font Software residing therein, destroy the original and all copies of the Product in your custody, possession, or control and promptly certify to such entity that such destruction has taken place.

8. If this product is acquired under the terms of a (i) GSA contract - use, reproduction or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth in the applicable ADP Schedule contract, (ii) DOD contract - use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of 252.277-7013; (iii) Civilian agency contract - use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to 52.277-19(a) through (d) and restrictions set forth in the accompanying End User Agreement. All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.     
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